Friday 23 November 2012

The Wonder of Life and Transformational Healing

How time has flown bye.  It is two years next week since I moved to Tetney.  We moved as the snow fell heavily around us, unable to pop to B & Q on the evening, the roads were so bad we had to turn back.  The next morning we woke to a foot of snow and how magical it was.  The village seemed to step back in time with everyone out in wellies walking to the Spar shop!

So village life has been lovely over the past 2 years.  The people are so friendly and never cease to amaze me.  Yesterday I had a client from out of town and as the street I live on doesn't have house numbers just names, I told her I would leave my mobile on so I could guide her to the house for the first visit.  Anyway no mobile call just a knock at the door.  Congratulating my client on finding the property, she said that she was driving slow looking for it and a red car pulled up and asked where she was looking for.  Upon telling him, he told her to follow him and turned his car round and guided her to my drive!!  The world really still is a nice place to live and there still are lots of lovely people out there.

I'm still offering Journey Therapy to clients, which seems to get more and more amazing and powerful.  I went on an 'Advanced Practitioner's Only' training retreat in October and how great it was to be receiving therapy myself for 3 days (we work in two's and swop over).  I have noticed that my neck and left shoulder, that had been a very weak area for a long while, causing quite a lot of pain, seems to have HEALED!!  And because of that I have been able to go back to the gym which I am loving.  

A client I saw recently said 'I'd forgotten how powerful Journey Therapy was" after having a long gap between appointments and I can say I feel the same after my 3 intense days receiving (and giving) Journey Therapy.

I'm also now offering TRANSFORMATION THROUGH RELAXATION appointments which incorporate the 'Healing Codes'.   On an appointment you learn how to do the Healing Codes for yourself and receive a healing codes therapy session.  They are designed to take the stress out of your body and heal the affairs of the heart (hurts and wounds of life).   Because stress is one of the main causes of illness, then this really helps with physical issues too.  As Christmas is considered one of the most stressful times of the year, this is a a good time to come along and receive the relaxing therapy and learn to use it for yourself.  One client says, it she gets stressed she just takes herself away and does the Healing Codes and it calms her. I must say I personally love using them on myself and can see that they work at a deep level.
I'm also offering GIFT VOUCHERS, so if you would love an appointment but haven't got round to spending the money on yourself, then how about putting it on your Christmas list, or if anyone you know has been fancying an appointment, then what a great gift that would be for then. 
Enjoy the run up to Christmas.  I'm looking forward to a mulled wine at the next Christmas Fayre.  Do what makes you happy.  And remember it's not about money and presents, it's about enjoying yourself and being with people you want to be with.

When I meditate I regularly send out LOVE AND BLESSINGS to my clients of the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE,  so I hope you fit into that category.

I look forward to our paths crossing.
Love and blessings.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

What Are We Really Searching For FOOD OR LOVE?

Thinking about the need to comfort eat and drink, which seems to be something most of us do. I have been asking what is it I really want?  Why do I do it when I want to feel light, free and healthy.  So working through it with EFT, I first came up with - "I want the comfort and pleasure it gives me, I don't want to let that go, it would be like deprivation to not have it, it's a way of loving myself and letting myself know that I am worthy".  

See, it really is so much more than being greedy!!  We associate it with LOVE, WORTH, JOY even ABUNDANCE (I can have as much as I want).

The realisation, it's not the food or the drink we really want, it's the FEELINGS. We want to feel Loved, Special, Worthy.   I then used Journey Therapy asking the wise part of me if it could come up with alternative healthy ways to let me have those feeling without the need to eat and drink the comfort food. (NEED being an important word, because it's not saying we can't have the food or drink, it's about not needing them to feel the positive feelings).  I continued doing the inner work on this aspect of myself, bringing all parts into alignment with new healthy ways of living.  

So this morning I woke up with the realisation that what we really want is 'Nourishment for our Soul' and that can be many different things for different people.  A walk in nature, laughter with a friend, MEDITATION, loving ourselves as we are.  Letting go of the endless search for those feeling outside of ourselves in food and drink and going within and making friends with ourselves.  Wow, how simple is that. 

Food, weight, eating is not all about will power, it's also about the need for LOVE.  We need to nourish our souls enough so we don't throw our eating out of balance.  

When we do eat, we need to love it, savour it, let it nourish our soul, that way it will satisfy us and we won't need to keep on eating endlessly.  This doesn't mean we can't have the foods we desire it's about enjoying them with full attention so we get the full benefit from it.  It's no use reading the paper or watching the TV while you eat as that is literally just shovelling  it down with no real nourishment to our soul, what we need is interaction with the food and ourselves.

So if you are going to have a cream cake, sit down, savour it, love it, enjoy it (no guilt as that brings negative energy into the situation) and let it nourish your soul.  

I've found over the years the best way to work on my relationship with food has always been to go within.  Meditation, inner work (Journey Therapy, EFT,Healing Codes) and when I overeat I trust that in the grand scheme of things, one day is not going to make that much difference (even 2 or 3 days!).  The secret then is not to let it go on longer than that.  If you are still wanting to overeat after that then there is a need to do some inner work and heal the real issue.  This is where Journey Therapy, EFT and Healing Codes really help.  It's not always easy but I have found it so much easier than the old way of dieting and punishment.  I look at is as learning to love myself to health and slenderness.